• Adele Tulli’s film Real

    Adele Tulli’s film Real

    FILM SYNOPSIS Everyday digital devices are no longer just tools; they have become gateways to a new multi-layered reality, an exponentially growing augmented universe that we experience largely without a physical connection. As human beings made of flesh, we now spend most of our time in a digital landscape, seeking happiness, wealth, relationships, knowledge, and…

  • Tiziana Terranova: On Feminism After the Internet

    Tiziana Terranova: On Feminism After the Internet

    The end or extinction of the Internet and the massive expansion of platforms has been accompanied for many by a loss of the emancipatory potential of digital connectivity and by an overall degradation of the quality of political communication. While platforms as control technologies are no simple tools of emancipation, however, digital communication is far…

  • Haig Aivazian: World/AntiWorld 

    Haig Aivazian: World/AntiWorld 

    World/AntiWorld grapples with the ways in which our selves are collectively and individually constituted and de-constituted by the intersecting gazes of law, capital and machines. Structured around the three explosions that occurred at the Stade de France in November 2015, the narrative of this perofrmance takes on the history and futures of surveillance technologies and the…

  • Dr. Francesca Sobande: Black Digital Currents

    Dr. Francesca Sobande: Black Digital Currents

    In this talk Francesca Sobande (Cardiff University) considers gendered and racialized currents of digital culture and technology. Focusing on different dimensions of digital delights and disturbances, Sobande explores experiences of digital creativity and collaborations related to Black life in Scotland, Wales, and beyond.

  • Ameera Kawash: Can an AI Truly be Decolonized? 

    Ameera Kawash: Can an AI Truly be Decolonized? 

    Artificial Intelligence is increasingly weaponized against marginalized communities, deepening the digital divide and perpetuating biases and dehumanization. For Palestinians, AI image generators reinforce harmful stereotypes, erase cultural histories, and normalize the violence of the genocide.  Featuring the work of Palestinian-Iraqi American artist Ameera Kawash, this talk explores whether AI and other networked technologies can help…

  • dmstfctn & Evita Manji: Kill the Luigi in Your Head 

    dmstfctn & Evita Manji: Kill the Luigi in Your Head 

    This lecture provides an overview of dmstfctn’s artistic practice, focusing on their exploration of opaque systems of power through a mix of performance, installation, video games, and film. By blending these multimedia forms, dmstfctn invites audiences to engage in the “demystification” of these systems through replication and re-enactment, and in their “remystification” by constructing new…

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