Jussi Parikka: Digital Contagions

Watch the full video livestream of Jussi Parikka’s, Digital Contagions: from Network Security to Viral Capitalism on JCU TV.

Digital Contagions: from Network Security to Viral Capitalism

Jussi Parikka is a professor of Technological Culture & Aesthetics at the University of Southampton, UK, and a Visiting Professor at the Academy of Performing Arts, Prague. He leads the project Operational Images and Visual Culture (2019-2023), funded by the Czech Science Academy) and he is the author of several books on digital culture, media archaeology, and cultural theory.This talk focuses on Professor Parikka’s book Digital Contagions: An Archaeology of Computer Viruses (Peter Lang Publishing, 2nd Edition 2016) and introduces its key themes. From the emergence of viruses as a specific software-based risk in network culture to the general accident of contagions, the book outlines questions of viral capitalism, immunity, and other themes that resonate also now in our contemporary context.

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